In the last few days, we started hearing about a massive bug in the implementation of the VM memory handling.
Intel has been frantically working on fixing host machines kernels in order to prevent one VM from accessing the memory of other VMs that run on the same machine.
Of course, most users are not going to attempt to read someone else memory so in that sense, most of us are relatively safe. But all of those who are not so lucky and have uninvited guests on their systems are running at very high risk. The information available from Intel says the memory is accessible only in Read mode. ...
As e-Fax is updating their systems further to be compliant with various security systems, some new problems may arise on your servers.
The main one is an SSL error that is quite unclear.
Warning: stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in /path-to-php-efax/http_request.php on line 294
As we can see, the error mentions a server certificate function and says it could not verify a certificate.
If your server is not 100% up to date with newest SSL versions or your web ...
Today I had a need to find out a set of zip codes that would match a delivery area for one of my customers. I was wondering how could I find out all the zip codes over a given area...
Searching a little bit I found a website named zipmap which actually does just that. The entire US is covered and you can navigate it just like you navigate a regular Google Map view. Very practical!
You can easily move around, zoom in and out, and you even see the map with street names in the background.
About a week ago I got a customer who started having their website appear in Google with HTTPS (the secure version of the site.) The pages are served securily, but it uses our website certificate so you get a big bad error saying that everything is broken and if you proceed you'll know what hell is like.
The fact is that this customer never had a secure certificate. In other words, there is no reason for the site to have been referenced with HTTPS unless someone typed a link to their site and inadvertendly entered https://... instead of http://...
I checked a few of the pages where there ...
Very recently, Sudan was split in the northern and southern part. The southern part has a new name: South Sudan. It is now official and the new ISO country code given to this new country is SS.
This means their country top-level domain name will be .ss.
Assuming they open their domain name to all world wide, this is going to be quite interesting! There are many words in the English language that end with .ss such as, and, and
If you're in the domain name business, look out for those! If it works like other top-level domains, these will go really quick and make ...
Select the menu to be displayed as the Simplemenu. By default, we display the Navigation Menu which makes the most sense for administrator (as the Simplemenu was primarily created for administrators wanting to quickly go to all administration pages.)
Select a theme to display your Simplemenu items and dropdowns. The default is called original.
The themes reside in the module sub-folder named themes. Each theme is defined in a specific directory named after the theme. That name is what appears in the dropdown in the settings.
It is possible to add new themes as
If you are responsible for a Debian or Ubuntu server and run PHP on it, make sure to run the following command to fix several security issues found in PHP:
sudo apt-get install php5-suhosin
This will make the necessary and your PHP version (security wise) will look like you have PHP 5.3.3.
What I found quite annoying in regard to this issue is the fact that it was very difficult to find a mention of this upgrade. All I could find in large number were people saying that you'd have to get an upgrade using the source code of PHP. Somehow, I did not feel like upgrading PHP from ...
The MobileKey module comes with the following settings. These settings are found here:
Administer » Site configuration » MobileKey
Since you generally give one URL to your users, your home page (called Front Page in Drupal), it can be practical to send Mobile phone users to a special URL so when they access your site they see a better adapted front page than the usual.
The settings accept a local path (i.e. mobile) or a full path (i.e.
Note that this gives you a way to use the ThemeKey capability to change the theme of all ...
The protected node module has global settings found under:
Administer » Site configuration » Protected node
The page starts with statistics to let you know how pages are protected on your website. All the counts include published and unpublished content.
Today I discovered It's All Text. This was a FireFox (also works in SeaMonkey) extension that gives you the capability of editing a box of text in your favorite editor.
I love to use SeaMonkey, but the text editor is a bit light when it comes to writing code or fix broken HTML. To palliate to this problem, I often copy and paste the content of my posts from SeaMonkey to gVim, my favorite editor, apply the fixes lightning fast, and then copy the result back in SeaMonkey before saving.
This is a rather tedious process and prone to mistakes. To avoid problems, you can instead install ...