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Tamarin abcFormat

This document comes from an older version of the Javascript language implementation from the Mozilla project. It describes the compiled format of the ECMAScript version 4 (ECMA-262).

Unfortunately, it looks like that document disappeared from the Mozilla website. The implementation can be found (I think) in the Tamarin project (also called Rhino—don't ask me about all these names... I have no clue.)

The Tamarin project is what Adobe Flash officially uses for their Javascript player. What I have a hard time to understand is this: it looks like the Tamarin implementation is not in C nor C++ and yet the Flash players don't have 1 megazillion java or whatnot files to install. Hmmmm... They probably have one or two large libraries in some jarball.

From the original document, I removed the top Mozilla logo (since you are viewing this page on a different website!) I have changed the broken links to a blue colored text. This gives you an idea of where things were and maybe to find the docs/implementations again.

At some point, I will move this information to my reference instead. (See here: SWF Alexis' Reference)

Alexis Wilke

LXR Roots - mozilla Cross Reference: mozilla
mozilla/ js/ tamarin/ core/ abcFormat.txt
CVS Blame
CVS Graph
Raw output
changes to
this file in
the last:
  001  This file stays synchronized with the source code.  To view
  002  previous formats that we don't support, sync backwards in
  003  perforce.
  006  U30 - This is a 30 bit integer value encoded with a variable number of bytes to save space.
  007  All U30's are encoded as 1-5 bytes depending on the value (larger values need more space).  
  008  The encoding method is if the hi bit in the current byte is set, then the next byte is also
  009  part of the value.  Each bit in a byte contributes 7 bits to the value, with the hi bit telling
  010  us whether to use the next byte, or if this is the last byte for the value.  This enables us to 
  011  use 30 bit numbers for everything, but still not take up enormous amounts of space.     
  013  If more than 30 nonzero bits are present for a U30 field, a verify error will occur.
  015  S32,U32 - same as U30 but 32 bits are allowed instead of being capped at 30.
  017  The "0" entry of each constant pool is not used.  If the count for a given pool says there are
  018  "n" entries in the pool, there are "n-1" entries in the file, corresponding to indices 1..(n-1).
  020  AbcFile {
  021     U16 minor_version                  // = 16 (0x10)
  022     U16 major_version                  // = 46 (0x2E)
  023     U30 constant_int_pool_count
  024     ConstantInteger[constant_int_pool_count]                // Cpool entries for integers
  025     U30 constant_uint_pool_count
  026     ConstantUInteger[constant_uint_pool_count]              // Cpool entries for uints
  027     U30 constant_double_pool_count
  028     ConstantDouble[constant_double_pool_count]              // Cpool entries for doubles
  029     U30 constant_string_pool_count
  030     ConstantString[constant_string_pool_count]              // Cpool entries for strings
  031     U30 constant_namespace_pool_count
  032     ConstantNamespace[constant_namespace_pool_count]        // Cpool entries for namespaces
  033     U30 constant_namespace_set_pool_count
  034     ConstantNamespaceSet[constant_namespace_set_pool_count] // Cpool entries for namespace sets
  035     U30 constant_multiname_pool_count
  036     ConstantMultiname[constant_multiname_pool_count]        // Cpool entries for Multinames, Qnames, RTQnames, and RTQnamesLate
  037     U30 methods_count
  038     MethodInfo[methods_count]
  039     U30 metadata_count
  040     MetadataInfo[metadata_count]
  041     U30 class_count
  042     InstanceInfo[class_count]
  043     ClassInfo[class_count]
  044     U30 script_count
  045     ScriptInfo[script_count]         // ScriptInfo[script_count-1] is main entry point
  046     U30 bodies_count
  047     MethodBody[bodies_count]
  048  }
  051  ConstantInteger {
  052     S32 value
  053  }
  055  ConstantUInteger {
  056     U32 value
  057  }
  059  ConstantDouble {
  060     U64 doublebits (little endian)
  061  }
  063  ConstantString {
  064     U30 length
  065     U8[length]  // UTF-8 encoded string
  066  }
  068  ConstantNamespace {
  069     U8 kind
  070     union {
  071        kind=8,5,22,23,24,25,26 {	// CONSTANT_Namespace,
  					// CONSTANT_PrivateNamespace,
					// CONSTANT_PackageNamespace,
					// CONSTANT_PacakgeInternalNamespace,
					// CONSTANT_ProtectedNamespace,
					// CONSTANT_ExplicitNamespace,
					// CONSTANT_MultinameL
  072           U30 name_index          // CONSTANT_Utf8 uri (maybe 0)
  073        }
  074     }
  075  }
  077  ConstantNamespaceSet {
  078     U30 namespace_count  
  079     U30[namespace_count] // CONSTANT_Namespace
  080  }
  082  ConstantMultiname {
  083     U8 kind
  084     union {
  085        kind=7,13 {               // CONSTANT_Qname + CONSTANT_QnameA
  086           U30 namespace_index             // CONSTANT_Namespace, 0=AnyNamespace wildcard
  087           U30 name_index                  // CONSTANT_Utf8, 0=AnyName wildcard
  088        }
  089        kind=9,14 {               // CONSTANT_Multiname, CONSTANT_MultinameA
  090           U30 name_index                  // CONSTANT_Utf8  simple name.  0=AnyName wildcard
  091           U30 namespace_set_index
  092        }
  093        kind=15,16 {              // CONSTANT_RTQname + CONSTANT_RTQnameA
  094           U30 name_index                  // CONSTANT_utf8, 0=AnyName wildcard
  095        }
  096        kind=27 {                 // CONSTANT_MultinameL  
  097           U30 namespace_set_index        
  098        kind=17,18                // CONSTANT_RTQnameL + CONSTANT_RTQnameLA
  099     }
  100  }
  102  Traits {
  103      U30 count              
  104      Trait[count] {
  105          U30 name_index                     // CONSTANT_QName
  106          U8  kind                           // hi 4 bits are flags, 0x04: (1=has_metadata, 0=no metadata)
  107          union {
  108             kind=0,6 { // slot, const
  109                U30 slot_id                  // 0=autoassign
  110                U30 type_index               // CONSTANT_Multiname, 0=Object
  111                U30 value_index              // CONSTANT_<kind> or 0 for undefined - <kind> depends on the value of value_kind
  112                U8  value_kind               // cpool kind the value is, only present if value_index != 0
  113             }
  114             kind=1,2,3 { // method, getter, setter
  115                U30 disp_id                         // 0=autoassign
  116                U30 method_info         // method must be parsed already
  117                       // attrs are stored in the hi 4 bits of the kind byte
  118               // 0x01: (1=final,0=virtual), 0x02: (1=override,0=new)
  119             }
  120             kind=4 { // class
  121                U30 slot_id                  // 0=autoassign
  122                U30 class_info               // class must have been parsed already
  123             }
  124             kind=5 { // function
  125                U30 slot_index          // 0=autoassign
  126                U30 method_info             // method_info of function residing in this slot
  127             }
  128          }
  129          if ( (kind >> 4) & 0x04 )  // these are only present when the kind contains the has_metadata flag
  130          {
  131              U30 metadata_count           // Number of metadata
  132              U30 metadata[count]          // MetadataInfo indices
  133          }
  134      }
  135  }
  137  MetadataInfo {
  138      U30 name_index                         // CONSTANT_utf8
  139      U30 values_count                       // # of values in this metadata
  140      U30 keys[values_count]                 // CONSTANT_utf8, 0 = keyless
  141      U30 values[values_count]               // CONSTANT_utf8 
  142  }
  144  InstanceInfo {
  145      U30 name_index                    // CONSTANT_QName (definition)
  146      U30 super_index                   // CONSTANT_Multiname (reference)
  147      U8  flags                         // 1 = sealed, 0 = dynamic
  148                                        // 2 = final
  149                                        // 4 = interface
  150      U30 protectedNS                   if flags & 8
  151      U30 interfaces_count
  152      U30 interfaces[interfaces_count]  // CONSTANT_Multiname (references)
  153      U30 iinit_index                   // MethodInfo
  154      Traits instance_traits
  155  }
  157  ClassInfo {
  158      U30 cinit_index                     // MethodInfo
  159      Traits static_traits
  160  }
  162  ScriptInfo {
  163      U30 init_index                      // MethodInfo
  164      Traits traits
  165  }
  167  // A MethodInfo describes the method signature
  168  MethodInfo {
  169      U30 param_count
  170      U30 ret_type                                          // CONSTANT_Multiname, 0=any type (*)
  171      U30 param_types[param_count]          // CONSTANT_Multiname, 0=any type (*)
  172      U30 name_index                    // 0=no name.
  173      // 1=need_arguments, 2=need_activation, 4=need_rest 8=has_optional 16=ignore_rest, 32=explicit, 64=setsdxns, 128=has_paramnames
  174      U8 flags                          
  175      U30 optional_count                // if has_optional
  176      ValueKind[optional_count]         // if has_optional
  177      U30 param_names[param_count]      // if has_paramnames
  178  }
  180  ValueKind {
  181      U30 value_index   // the index for the value in the cpool
  182      U8 value_kind     // the kind indicating which cpool the value is in
  183  }
  185  // A MethodBody describes the method implementation.  
  186  // not required for native methods or interface methods.
  187  MethodBody {
  188      U30 method_info
  189      U30 max_stack
  190      U30 max_regs
  191      U30 scope_depth
  192      U30 max_scope
  193      U30 code_length
  194      U8 code[code_length]
  195      U30 ex_count
  196      Exception[ex_count]
  197      Traits traits       // activation traits
  198  }
  200  Exception {
  201      U30 start                           // Offsets of beginning and
  202      U30 end                             // end of the try block
  203      U30 target                          // Target PC to transfer control to (catch)
  204      U30 type_index                      // Type matched by this exception handler
  205      U30 name_index                      // Name of the exception variable
  206  }

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